Thursday, October 6, 2011

Goodbye, Steve....

I got the news on my iPhone.  I was on my way home from classes in Computer Science, and I had pulled it out of my purse to look up something I saw on a sign, and the push notification from AP News popped up on the screen.

Steve Jobs, co-founder, and former CEO, of Apple had passed away.  The news hit me hard.  Over the past few years I have become a major Apple fan girl.  And I came to admire Steve Jobs for all he has done for the world.

About three years ago, I bought an iPod Touch.  I read an article that pointed out how you could do almost anything on it that you can do on a laptop.  While that might be viewed as a bit of an exaggeration, there is truth in that statement.  I didn't realize it, but I had taken the first step towards addiction.

When the iPhone 3GS came out, and they dropped the price on the iPhone 3G, I bought my first iPhone.  I loved my iPod Touch, but I wanted to have access when WiFi was not available.  

Then, I began to think about developing apps for the iPhone.  That would require the purchase of a Mac.  I was eyeing the Macbook, but wound up going for a bit more and buying the Macbook Pro I am typing this on.  Joining the Developer's program, and a large number of books, quickly followed.

By now, I am sure many can see where this is leading...the iPhone 4 arrived, and I upgraded.  A full 32 GB version, of course.  Now I could have all the apps and music I wanted.  

And of course, I had been wanting an iPad, but that was just a bit beyond my reach for while, but I bought one of those as well, the top of the line 64 GB with 3G.  I use it everyday.

And, every Tuesday night, I attend a class in iPhone programming as part of my major in Computer Science.  Apple, and more specifically the genius of Steve Jobs, helped draw me back in to programming.  I had wandered away a few years ago, mainly because of my lack of a degree.  I was self-taught, but that doesn't work these days.  Now I am working on my degree, and my ultimate dream would be to work for Apple.  That, or to teach Computer Science to the next generation of geeks.

But I owe a lot to Steve Jobs.  He will be missed.  It may be a bit trite, but he really did change the world in insanely great ways.

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