Monday, August 2, 2010

Sorry For the Delay...

It has taken me way too long to get back here to post another article.  I have been kind of busy working on learning iPhone programming and working on my first program, which is coming along slowly.

Anyway, it is time to catch up on things...

On Saturday I went to the Apple Store here in San Francisco and after a short wait I got a new iPhone 4.  I bought my first iPhone just over a year ago, and I was a little surprised to discover that I qualified for an upgrade at the same price as new users.  So, I decided to go all the way and buy a 32 GB model.  

It is certainly worth the cost.  As much as I loved my old iPhone, this one is so much better.  The graphics are greatly improved, I have the compass app that was introduced on the 3GS, I have all the new new features available in iOS 4.0 which were not available on my 3G, and most importantly it is much faster.

Apps that were painfully slow on the 3G are greatly improved.  On the 3G many apps took too long to load.  On the 4 they open almost instantly.

The camera is now up to the point where it can actually take decent photos, and it now has a flash.  The 4 also can take 720p HD video with the LED for the flash serving as a light source if needed.

Overall, Apple has created another hit.